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Access Organization Sessions & Materials

View and join Organization Sessions from the Sessions page.

Join a Session

Join scheduled Organization Sessions from the Sessions page or explore a practice session from the Dashboard.

Sessions Page > Organization Sessions
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Sessions.
  2. In the All Participants drop-down, in the By Organization group, click the Organization name.

    Note: Use the Search box to search by keyword.

  3. Click Join.

Join a Practice Session

Explore the Sessions application at your convenience by joining a practice Session. Each Organization has one designated practice Session available, so all users who access the Session at the same time will be participants together.

Prevail Dashboard > Organization Practice Session
  1. Log in to your Prevail Organization account.
  2. On the Dashboard page, click Would you like to join a practice session?
  3. If applicable, from the drop-down, select an Organization name.

    Note: Users belonging to a single Organization will not see a drop-down menu.

  4. Click Join Practice Session.
  5. Click Join Now.

Access Session Review

Once a Session has ended, Session materials are available from the Session Review page.

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Sessions.
  2. In the All Participants drop-down, in the By Organization group, click the Organization name.

    Note: Use the Search box to search by keyword.

  3. Click Review.

Export Transcripts

Anyone with access to Session Review for a particular session may download a text transcript. Users belonging to an Organization have the additional option of downloading PDF transcripts using a template.

Download Using a Template

Select from available PDF templates when downloading transcripts from Session Review. If a Session is associated with an Organization, all templates belonging to that Organization will be available. For Sessions associated with multiple Organizations, you can select from all templates belonging to any associated Organizations.

Export Transcript Window Use a Template Tab
  1. Navigate to the Session Review page.
  2. In the Transcript module, click the Download icon.
  3. Click the Use a Template tab.
  4. In the Select a Template drop-down, select a template from the list.
  5. In the File Type section, leave the selection as .PDF.

    Note: The text file option is not available.

  6. Click Export.