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Manage Your Files on the Platform

The Prevail Session Briefcase panel and the Prevail Briefcase work together to simplify file management. During a Session, you can access your personal files and shared roster files from your Prevail Briefcase.

Briefcase Page

Upload Files or Folders to Your Prevail Briefcase

Upload files or folders to your Prevail Briefcase for quick access during a Session. Prevail automatically scans all uploaded files for malware, quarantining any unsafe files and indicating the number of files in quarantine.

My Documents Page
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Briefcase.
  2. In the My Documents section, click My Documents.

    The My Documents page opens.

  3. Click Add File.
  4. Upload one or more files...
    1. Drag and drop files into the window.
    2. Click Select Files and browse to select your file(s).

Upload Files to a Shared Roster

Access shared roster files from the Shared Roster Files section of the Briefcase page, where each roster has a designated folder for sharing files. All roster members can upload and download files to the roster folder, where members can view and edit the files shared by other roster members.

Rosters Page
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Briefcase.
  2. In the Shared Roster Files section, click your roster.

    Your roster page opens.

  3. Click Add File.

    The Upload Files window opens.

  4. Click Choose Files.
  5. Browse to select your file.
  6. To upload the selected file, click Upload Files.

    The file appears in the roster file list.

Create a Roster to Share Files with Prevail Members

Share files with other Prevail Members by creating a roster and adding members. Each roster has a designated folder for sharing files in the Prevail Briefcase. Any member belonging to a roster can upload or download from the respective folder.

Rosters Page
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Roster.
  2. Click Create Roster.

    The New Roster window opens.

  3. In the Name box, type a name for your roster.
  4. Click Create Roster.

    Your roster is added to the roster list.

  5. To add yourself to the roster, click add myself to your roster.

Invite Members to Join a Roster

When you create a roster, invite your colleagues to share their case files with the other members. Invitees who are not Prevail Members will receive an invitation email requesting they create an account with Prevail to join the roster.

Roster Page
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Roster.
  2. In the Name column, click a roster name.
  3. Invite a user…
    1. In the Invitee Email box, type an email address.
    2. Click Add.

      The invitee is added to the roster.