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Session Review

Review your Session materials, including rough transcripts, video and audio recordings, and exhibits on the Session Review page. You can also create video clips of individual participants, flag lines in the rough transcript, and download Session materials. You can access the Session Review page after a Session has concluded from the Prevail Platform.

Session Review is available by subscription or purchasing access for an individual Session. To learn more about accessing Session Review, please contact Customer Success at

Session Review Page

Access Session Review

Session Review is available to subscribing members from the Sessions page.

Sessions Page
  1. Sign in to your Prevail account at
  2. On the Navigation menu, click Sessions.
  3. In the Actions column, click Review.

    You are taken to the Session Review page.

Options Menu

Use the Options menu to set the transcript to automatically scroll as the video plays, show/hide timeline flags and clips, open Flag Settings, or go to the Help portal.

Options Drop-Down Menu
Option Description
Auto-Scroll Transcript Sets the transcript to automatically scroll with the video as it plays.
Timeline Flags Shows/hides flag markers from the timeline.
Timeline Clips Shows/hides clip markers from the timeline.
Flag Settings Opens the Flag Settings window, where you can customize your flags.
Help Opens the Prevail Help portal in a new tab.

Search the Transcript by Keyword

Search the transcript by keyword to view only segments with matching text.

Session Review AISC Panel > Search by Keyword
  1. In the Transcript module, click the Search icon.
  2. In the Search box, type a term.

    Note: Exact matches are highlighted in orange, and similar matches are highlighted in yellow.

    The term is highlighted in the rough transcript.

  3. Use the up and down Arrows to view matches.

Filter the Transcript by Flag

Filter the transcript by flag to view only text lines marked with the matching flag style.

Session Review Transcript Module > Search by Flag
  1. In the Transcript module, click the Filter by Flag icon.
  2. In the Select Flag drop-down, select a flag style.

    Text lines with matching terms are displayed.

Adjust Playback Speed

Adjust the video playback speed by selecting an option from the menu.

Sessions Page > Playback Speed Drop-Down Menu Expanded

Replay Audio Selections

Replay selected audio in a new browser tab by selecting the Listen option in the Transcript module.

  1. In the Transcript module, select one or more lines of text…
    1. To select a single line, click on a line of text.
    2. Optional: To select multiple lines, click the Toggle Options icon > Multiple Lines icon.

      Note: Alternatively, you can press and hold SHIFT as you click.
      Note: When you are finished with your selection, click the Multiple Lines icon again to disable the feature.

  2. Click Listen.

    The audio file opens in a new tab.

  3. Use the audio controls to play or pause the audio recording.
  4. Optional: To adjust the volume, click the Volume icon.

View Participant Video

View all Participant Video Tiles using the default main view, or focus on a single participant by selecting a Participant’s name from the Participant drop-down menu. Use the video controls to play/pause, view full-screen, adjust playback speed, or download the video file.

Options Drop-Down Menu
  1. In the Video module, in the Participant drop-down, select a participant name.
  2. To view the video, use the playback controls.
  3. Optional: To download the file, click the More icon > Download.

Add Flags

Add flags to your transcript copy or edit the flags you placed during a Session in the Transcript module.

Transcript Module > Add Flag
  1. In the Transcript module, select one or more lines of text…
    1. To select a single line, click on a line of text.
    2. Optional: To select multiple lines, click the Toggle Options icon > Multiple Lines icon.

      Note: Alternatively, press and hold SHIFT as you click.
      Note: When you are finished with your selection, click the Multiple Lines icon again to disable the feature.

  2. Click Flag.

    The Flag window opens.

  3. Select a flag style...
    1. Click to expand the Flag drop-down.
    2. Select a flag style from the list.
  4. Optional: In the Leave an optional note... box, type a message.

Manage Flags

Modify your flags in Flag Settings, which is available from the Options drop-down menu.

Sessions Page

Delete or Edit Flags

You can edit and delete the flags you have already added to your transcript copy.

Sessions Page
  1. In the Transcript module, click a flagged line of text.

    The Edit Flag window opens.

  2. To delete the flag, click the Trash Can icon.
  3. To edit the flag note...
    1. Click Begin Editing
    2. In the box, edit your note.
    3. Click Save.

Create Clips

When you create a clip, select a participant’s video feed from the Participant drop-down menu in the Video module. Move the slider and expand or contract the handles to select the clip’s time duration while previewing the video feed. You can also move the tracker to pinpoint a location where the video will start when you click the Play button.

Clips Module > Clip
  1. In the Transcript module, select one or more lines of text…
    1. To select a single line, click on a line of text.
    2. Optional: To select multiple lines, click the Toggle Options icon > Multiple Lines icon.

      Note: Alternatively, press and hold SHIFT as you click.
      Note: When you are finished with your selection, click the Multiple Lines icon again to disable the feature.

  2. Click Clip.

    The Clip window opens.

  3. In the Clip title* box, type a title for your clip.
  4. In the Participant drop-down, select a participant's name for the video feed.
  5. Select the time duration…
    1. Move the Slider and expand or contract the Handles.
    2. In the Start and End boxes, use the Up and Down arrows to adjust the time.

      Note: A preview of the video displays as you move the Slider.

  6. Optional: To play the video, position the Tracker bar and click the Play icon.

    Note: A preview of the video displays as you move the Slider.

  7. Click Save.

Download Video Clips

Review all your clips, including the clips created during a Session in the Clips module.

Clips Module > Clip
  1. In the Clips module, locate the file you want to download.
  2. Optional: To view the video, click the Video Thumbnail.
  3. Click the Download icon.

Review or Download Session Files

Session files are available for review or download from the Session Briefcase module.

Session Review Briefcase Module
  1. In the Briefcase module, locate the file you want to download.
  2. Optional: To view the file, click the Expand icon.
  3. In the Actions column, click the Download icon.

Export the Transcript

When you download a transcript, you can choose from multiple text file formatting options. Members who have purchased a certified transcript can download a certified copy. Enterprise users have access to additional download options, including PDF templates.

Session Review Transcript Module > Download Transcript
  1. In the Transcript module, click the Download icon.
  2. Click the Customize tab.
  3. In the Select Version section, select a transcript version.

    Note: Certified copies are available only to subscribers.

  4. In the Export Details section, select a transcript format.
  5. In the File Type section, leave the selection as .TXT.

    Note: The PDF option is available only to Organizations users.

  6. Click Export.

Text File Formatting Options

Formatting Option Description Example
Page Numbers & Timestamps The "Unofficial Use" disclaimer appears with the page number and time stamp within each page break [Page 1 - 5:33 PM EDT - Unofficial - Internal Use Only]
Line Numbers
  • Each line is numbered
  • Line numbers start at 1 and end at 25
  • The "Unofficial Use" disclaimer appears in the line breaks between lines 25 and 1
  • Line numbering restarts after each page break
Unofficial - Internal Use Only
Plain - Without Page Numbers & Timestamps Page numbers, line numbers, and the Unofficial Use disclaimer are excluded