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Play Back Session Audio

Replay selected audio in a new tab using the Listen option. If you would like to hear the audio played back to Session participants, raise your hand and request that the Session Host play back specific lines.

AI Transcript Panel > Listen to Audio
  1. On the Session Toolbar, click the AI Transcript icon.
  2. In the AI Transcript panel, select one or more lines of text…
    1. To select a single line, click on a line of text.
    2. Optional: To select multiple lines, press and hold SHIFT as you click. To select a group of lines, click the first line, then press and hold SHIFT as you click the last line.
  3. Click Listen.

    The audio file opens in a new tab.

  4. Use the audio controls to play or pause the audio recording.
  5. Optional: To adjust the volume, click the Volume button.

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Last modified: November 26, 2024