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Manage Your Session Files

The Session Briefcase panel provides options to upload, introduce, preview, or present your files while attending a Session. Available within the Prevail Sessions application, the Session panel can access files from your Prevail Briefcase to simplify file sharing. If you are a Prevail Member, you can manage your files on the Prevail Platform prior to attending a Session.

Session Briefcase Panel

During a Session, you can share your files with participants from the Session Briefcase panel. The panel allows you to quickly access files from your Prevail Briefcase to share with participants. You can preview and annotate files, introduce your files to all Session participants, or present your files to participants using the Briefcase panel options.

When you preview a file that has not yet been introduced or presented, the file is kept private. However, files that are introduced or presented are accessible to all participants.

Prevail Members have access to all Session Briefcase panel features. Guests can view the Briefcase panel but do not have permission to upload or share files.

Briefcase Panel

Sort Session Briefcase Files

The Session Briefcase automatically sorts files based on the most recent upload. You can change the sort order of your uploaded and shared Session files by selecting from the drop-down options.

Briefcase Panel > Sort Briefcase Session Files
  1. To sort your Session Briefcase files, click the Newest drop-down, then select a sort order.
Option File Sorted By
Newest Newest to oldest, with the latest files at the top
Oldest Oldest to newest, with the oldest files at the top
Alpha A-Z Alphabetical order from A to Z
Alpha Z-A Reverse alphabetical order from Z to A
Custom Drag and drop to reorder files

Note: The most recent order used is automatically saved as the Custom option.

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Last modified: November 26, 2024