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Prevail API: Edit Sessions

Edit Sessions (Self-Service)


Makes changes to a Session previously created by your Organization. The Session must belong to the Organization attempting to edit it. Your Organization must have Self-Service enabled to use this request to directly schedule Sessions. Only Prevail Staff can enable Self-Service for your Organization.

  • To update any of start_date, start_time, or time_zone, all three options must be included.

Query Parameters

remote_session_id string required
The unique identifier for the Session you want to edit.
  • You can retrieve the remote_session_id by using the GET Sessions endpoint, which returns a list of Sessions and their IDs.

Request Body Parameters

View Parameters
remote_session object required
Details about the remote Session, including the title, case identifier, and scheduled time.
start_time string optional*
The start time of the Session in HH:MM AM/PM format.
start_date string optional*
The start date of the Session in YYYY-MM-DD format.
time_zone string optional*
Time zone of the Session. Accepts valid time zones formatted with GMT offsets and region descriptions. The most commonly used values are: Eastern Time (US & Canada), Central Time (US & Canada), Mountain Time (US & Canada), Pacific Time (US & Canada), Alaska, Hawaii. For a comprehensive list of all time zones, refer to the IANA Time Zone Database.
title string optional
invite_emails array optional
A list of participant email addresses for the Session. For example: ["", ""]. Participants added to the list will automatically receive Session notification emails. Once participants are invited, they cannot be removed from the Session. If you need to remove one or more participants, you can cancel the Session using the PATCH Cancel Session API request and schedule a new Session with the correct participants.
estimated_duration number optional
The updated estimated duration of the Session in hours. Accepts decimal values. For example: 2.5 for 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Bearer Token {{jwt_signed}}

Used to authenticate the request. Replace with your access token.


Content-Type application/json

Specifies the format of the request body.

Accept application/json

Specifies the format of the response body.

Example Request


   "remote_session": {
        "title": "Example Remote Session Edited",
        "start_time": "2025-11-30", // Edit start date and time
        "start_date": "02:30 PM", // Edit start date and time
        "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", // Edit start date and time
        "invite_emails": [""], // Add a participant email
Example Response

    "sessions": [
            "remote_session_id": "example-remote-session-id",
            "title": "Example Remote Session Edited",
            "start_date": "2025-11-30", // start_date updated
            "start_time": "02:30 PM", // start_time updated
            "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", 
            "state": "ready",
            "estimated_duration": 3.5,
            "transcript_status": "in_progress",
            "invite_emails": [
                "" // Participant email added to Session
            "provider_specific_details": {
                "meeting_id": 97969731904,
                "password": "ysitdagyst",
                "provider_join_url": "",
                "prevail_join_url": ""

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Last modified: January 24, 2025