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File Management and Sharing

The Session Briefcase panel supports file sharing, allowing users to upload, preview, or present files during a live Session. Integrated with the Prevail Briefcase, this feature supports direct uploads, drag-and-drop functionality, and access to previously uploaded files from your Prevail Briefcase.

Manage and Share Files

Share your files in a Session by uploading directly to your Session Briefcase or selecting from files in your Prevail Briefcase. You can add files using the upload option, drag-and-drop method, or by browsing and selecting files in your Prevail Briefcase. Uploaded files appear in the “My Session Documents” section, visible only to you until introduced to the Session, with no file size limit for uploads.

Annotate Files

Available from your Session Briefcase, annotate files in real-time with tools for text, freehand drawing, shapes, and color customization.

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Last modified: November 26, 2024