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Organizations Feature

An Organization represents an enterprise with institutional access to Prevail. Prevail Organizations provide group access to Sessions and shared access to additional features, including Single Sign-On (SSO), Session Review, transcript download, and Certified Transcripts.

Log In to Prevail with SSO

You will receive an invitation email from Prevail with login instructions for your company’s Organization. The email also contains your company’s Organization Prevail login web address and Identity Provider name (IDP Name).

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Log In.
  3. Click Enterprise Login.
  4. In the IDP Entity box, type your company’s Prevail IDP name.

    Note: The invitation email contains the IDP name.

Organizations Log In

If your browser session is logged in to your company’s SSO, you will be automatically signed in to Prevail. Otherwise, you will be prompted to log in and then taken to your Prevail Dashboard.

Select your Organization

Organizations provide group access to Sessions, including viewing the complete Organization’s Session list, accessing Session Review, and logging in through SSO. Users can also explore the application by joining a practice Session from the Prevail Dashboard.

Organizations Log In

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Last modified: December 23, 2024