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Share Your Files with Session Participants

You can use the Session Briefcase panel options to upload, introduce, preview, or present files. The Session Briefcase panel, available within the Prevail Sessions application, and Prevail Briefcase work together to simplify file sharing. If you are a Prevail Member, you can manage your files on the Prevail Platform prior to attending a Session.

Introduce a File to a Session

To make a file available to participants, introduce the file to the Session. Once you introduce a file, it appears in the Shared Session Files section of the Briefcase panel for everyone in the Session to access. If you delete a shared file from the panel, the file is removed from your view but remains available to other participants.

Briefcase Panel > Introduce
  1. On the Session Toolbar, click the Briefcase icon.

    The Briefcase panel opens.

  2. Click the More icon > Introduce.

    The file appears in the Shared Session Files section of the Briefcase panel for all participants.

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Last modified: November 26, 2024