Prevail API: Cancel Sessions
Cancel Sessions (Self-Service)
Cancels a Session previously created by your Organization. The Session must belong to the Organization attempting to edit it. Your Organization must have Self-Service enabled to use this request to directly schedule Sessions. Only Prevail Staff can enable Self-Service for your Organization. Use the cancel_without_email
parameter set to true
to block the sending of automatic cancellation emails to Session participants.
Query Parameters
remote_session_id string required
The unique identifier for the Session you want to cancel.
- You can retrieve the
by using the GET Sessions endpoint, which returns a list of Sessions and their IDs.
cancel_without_email boolean optional
Indicates whether to cancel the Session without sending email notifications to participants. Default value is
. Authorization
Bearer Token {{jwt_signed}}
Used to authenticate the request. Replace with your access token.
Content-Type application/json
Specifies the format of the request body.
Accept application/json
Specifies the format of the response body.
Example Request
Example Response
"messages": "Session successfully canceled."